Journey to Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, China

By Yannie Fan
( Edited by Sharon Lee Puttmann)

2000 June 27

It was blazing hot, 93 degrees Fahrenheit, when I got to Jiujiang . The Jiujiang Social Welfare Affairs Institute was my last stop before taking a break in my hometown, Hefei. I was impatient and nervous. There was no way to contact any offices of Welfare Affairs for permission to visit the institute. I had a taxi take me directly there in the hope that I would be allowed in.
While in the reception office of the institute, I pulled out a train schedule to plan my trip to Hefei. Ms. Yu, vice director of the institute, dashed in as I was checking the schedule. I had spread out all of the picture and letters I had brought in case I would need to meet with personnel in the reception area rather than the institute itself. Ms. Yu picked up the pictures and letters and put them back into my luggage. Immediately she made arrangements for me to check in at the institute, have lunch, a nap, and then visit the childrenšs department.
Mr. Cao, director of the institute, came in while I was having lunch. After exchanging some information, he helped me book a train ticket for Hefei and arrange for a formal meeting with me the following morning.

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